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目的:通过对门静脉高压脾功能亢进大鼠药物诱导肝癌过程中进行脾脏切除,探讨门静脉高压脾功能亢进对大鼠肝癌发生率的影响。方法:将雌雄SD大鼠性别内分别分为对照组、脾亢组、脾亢切脾组,脾功能亢进大鼠模型采用门静脉缩窄术联合脾静脉结扎术进行制备,各组均予以DEN(二乙基亚硝胺)腹腔注射,按体重20mg/kg给药,每周3次,12周停药,14周处死。其中,脾亢脾切除组于给药第四周进行脾切除术,手术恢复期间持续给药。观察各组实验动物的肝脏大体变化及病理改变,计算成瘤率。结果:实际成瘤率显示脾亢组较对照组明显升高,而雄性脾亢切脾组的成瘤率较脾亢组有所降低。雌性脾亢切脾组成瘤率同脾亢组差异不明显。结论:门静脉高压脾功能亢进状态下进行脾切除,对于雄性能减低肝癌发生的风险,对于雌性的意义不大,给临床实际工作提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
目的:探讨乳头瘤病毒定性检测( HPV- DNA)与液基薄层细胞学检查技术(TCT)在宫颈癌前病变中的诊断价值.方法:分别采用HPV- DNA及TCT法检测1536例患者,对TCT阳性、HPV- DNA阳性病例者进行阴道镜下活检.结果:随着病理诊断级别的升高,高危型HPV感染率上升,而低危型HPV感染多见于轻度不典型增生(CINⅠ)及其以下病变,HPV混合感染在各组间未见明显趋势.HPV-DNA检测与宫颈活检的符合率为66.78%.随着病理级别的升高,不典型鳞状细胞(ASCUS)组的感染率呈降低趋势,鳞状上皮内低度病变(LSIL)组感染率亦呈下降趋势,而鳞状上皮内高度病变(HSIL)组和鳞癌(SCC)组感染率均呈上升趋势,TCT检测与组织学诊断的符合率为66.67%,与HPV-DNA检查比较,差异无统计学意义(x=0.001,P>0.05).结论:HPV-DNA、TCT及宫颈活检三者检测相结合,能明显提高诊断的正确性.  相似文献   
齐鲁  袁理  吴萍  冶亚平  丁彦青 《现代生物医学进展》2012,12(34):6607-6610,6614
目的:HPV有许多类型,其大致可分为高危型和低危型,高危型HPV感染是导致宫颈癌发生的首要原因,在HPV基因组中,E6基因是促进宫颈细胞癌变的关键基因,本文主要研究HPV中的E6基因在各种不同型别的HPV中的进化关系,并对E2基因碱基替换率进行分析,探讨高危型HPV与低危型HPV的区别.方法:本文对不同类型HPV E6氨基酸序列构建系统发生树,探讨识别高危型HPV可能的一致序列,对E6基因其中一处能导致恶性程度增加的突变进行分析.并对HPV16与其位于同一颗树的HPV35和HPV31计算相对碱基替换率.结果:高危型HPV均源自同一株病毒株的进化.各种HPV型别中,高危型HPV E6蛋白对应于HPV16E6蛋白的第83位氨基酸为缬氨酸更为保守,HPV中除E2以外的其他基因的非同义替换率均小于同义替换率.结论:HPV E6蛋白对应于HPV16E6蛋白的第83位氨基酸为缬氨酸能更好地实现HPV E6蛋白的致癌作用.HPV基因中除E2以外的基因在进化过程中都较为保守,是HPV增殖生长的关键基因,而E2部分区域非同义替换率大于同义替换率,说明E2这部分区域的突变能够更好的促进HPV的增殖和生长.  相似文献   
目的:探讨磁共振(MR)扩散张量成像(DTI)作为定量分析方法,对脊髓型颈椎病(CSM)脊髓早期损伤诊断的应用价值.方法:选择45例经临床及影像诊断为脊髓型颈椎病患者,颈椎常规MRI检查显示脊髓内无异常信号,使用单次激发自旋回波平面(SE-EPI)序列,进行DTI扫描.测量压迫部位脊髓的ADC值及FA值作为病例组,选择病变上或下方两个节段以上未受压正常脊髓作为正常对照组,测量其ADC值及FA值.分析病例组与对照组间ADC及FA值差别,计算ADC值及FA值诊断脊髓损伤的敏感性.结果:所有脊髓型颈椎病患者经DTI检查均可得到ADC图及FA图,经图像后处理,脊髓显示清晰,图像无变形及伪影.3例脊髓型颈椎病患者ADC值降低,42例脊髓型颈椎病患者ADC值增高,平均ADC值为(1.388± 0.149)x 10-3 mm2/s.44名脊髓型颈椎病患者FA值降低,1名脊髓型颈椎病患者FA值增高,平均FA值为0.476±0.085,受压处脊髓平均ADC值升高,平均FA值下降,与正常值比较差别有统计学意义.ADC值诊断的敏感性为93.33%,FA值诊断的敏感性为97.78%.结论:DTI与常规MR比较,能早期而准确地诊断脊髓型颈椎病脊髓早期损伤.  相似文献   
目的:了解鬼臼毒素涂膜剂治疗子宫颈HPV感染的疗效。方法:126例临床诊断证明为子宫颈HPV感染的患者,随机分为两组,试验组63例采用0.5%鬼臼毒素涂膜剂治疗,对照组63例单独采用0.5%鬼臼毒素酊治疗。结果:①痊愈率:试验组与对照组的痊愈率分别为90.5%、73.00%,两组比较具有统计学学差异(P<0.05);②复发率:试验组与对照组第12、24周的复发率分别为9.52%、28.57%和9.52%、36.51%,两个时段的两组比较均具有统计学差异(P<0.05);③不良反应:经随访观察,两组发生了红斑、水肿、灼热、疼痛、瘙痒、溃疡、渗出等不良反应,其中两组比较试验组红斑、水肿、溃疡、渗出的发生率低于对照组,具有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论:鬼臼毒素涂膜剂能有效治疗子宫颈HPV感染,并控制复发,副作用小,比采用鬼臼毒素酊治疗的效果好。  相似文献   
泛素化能够促使底物蛋白降解或调节其它生理过程,在生命活动中具有极其重要的作用。E3即泛素连接酶,在泛素化过程中决定底物分子的特异性,因此,E3的功能研究一直是蛋白质泛素化研究领域的一个热点。NEDL1和NEDL2是HECT类泛素连接酶NEDD4家族中同源性较高的两个成员。它们通过不同的方式分别增强p53和p73的转录活性。NEDL1又与多种肿瘤(如神经母细胞瘤、结直肠癌、乳腺癌)和神经退行性疾病(如脊髓侧索硬化病)的发生发展密切相关。因此,对NEDL1和NEDL2的研究对于揭示相关疾病机理具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   
目的 明确乳腺癌中Akt的过度表达与P-gp、GST-π、TopoⅡ三种耐药蛋白的相关性.方法 采用免疫组织化学方法检测260例乳腺癌中Akt和P-gp、TopoⅡ、GST-π的表达情况.结果 乳腺癌中Akt、GST-π和TopoⅡ的表达与肿瘤大小相关,随着肿瘤体积增大,AKT、GST-π和TopoⅡ的阳性表达率增高;Akt和P-gp在伴有淋巴结转移的病例中高表达,且随着淋巴结的数目增多Akt表达越来越高;Akt、P-gp和GST-π的阳性表达患者预后差;Akt与P-gp、GST-π、Topo-Ⅱ阳性表达之间均呈显著相关性.结论 信号转导途径中Akt的激活与P-gp、GST-π、TopoⅡ三种耐药蛋白有相关性,AKT有可能在乳腺癌多药耐药的发生机制中起到一定的作用.  相似文献   
Cells express various cell surface adhesion molecules (receptors) that not only mechanically serve as contacting sites between the cell and extracellular matrix (ECM) or adjacent cells, but also initiate intracellular signaling pathways modulating important cellular events including survival and proliferation. Normal cells undergo apoptosis when lacking ECM attachment. This type of cell death has been termed anoikis. Anoikis can be viewed as a normal process which ensures tissue homeostasis and failure to execute the anoikis program or resistance to anoikis could result in adherent cells surviving under suspension condition and proliferating at ectopic sites where the matrix proteins are different from those the cells originally contact. Resistance to anoikis is emerging as a hallmark of metastatic cancers which enables cancer cells to disseminate to distant organs through systemic circulation. In this review, we will discuss the molecular basis of adhesion-initiated signaling, the impact of loss of cell-ECM adhesion on normal cell survival, the role of cancer cell aggregate formation via intercellular adhesion under non-adherent condition, and mechanisms of anoikis resistance developed in metastatic cancer cells. Understanding of these aspects will provide opportunities to find new potential molecular targets, and therapeutic strategies based on these findings will likely prove to be more specific and effective.  相似文献   
Wnt proteins are secreted glycoproteins that bind to the N-terminal extra-cellular cysteine-rich domain of the Frizzled (Fzd) receptor family. The Fzd receptors can respond to Wnt proteins in the presence of Wnt co-receptors to activate the canonical and non-canonical Wnt pathways. Recent studies indicated that, among the Fzd family, Fzd7 is the Wnt receptor most commonly upregulated in a variety of cancers including colorectal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma and triple negative breast cancer. Fzd7 plays an important role in stem cell biology and cancer development and progression. In addition, it has been demonstrated that siRNA knockdown of Fzd7, the anti-Fzd7 antibody or the extracellular peptide of Fzd7 (soluble Fzd7 peptide) displayed anti-cancer activity in vitro and in vivo mainly due to the inhibition of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. Furthermore, pharmacological inhibition of Fzd7 by small interfering peptides or a small molecule inhibitor suppressed β-catenin-dependent tumor cell growth. Therefore, targeted inhibition of Fzd7 represents a rational and promising new approach for cancer therapy.  相似文献   
Zhang SL  Wang YS  Zhou T  Yu XW  Wei ZT  Li YL 《Cytotechnology》2012,64(4):477-484
Cervical cancer is one of the most common gynecologic malignancies and poses a serious health problem worldwide. Identification and characterization of cervical cancer stem cells may facilitate the development of novel strategies for the treatment of advanced and metastatic cervical cancer. Breast cancer-resistance protein (Bcrp1)-positive cells were selected from a population of parent HeLa cells using flow cytometry. The invasion capacity of Bcrp1-positive and -negative cells was analyzed with a Boyden chamber invasion test. The tumorigenicity of these cells was determined by in vivo transplantation in non-obesity diabetes/severe combined immunodeficiency (NOD/SCID) mice. The Bcrp1-positive subpopulation accounted for about 7% of the parent HeLa cell population. The proliferative capacity of the Bcrp1-positive cells was greater than that of the Bcrp1-negative cells (P < 0.05). In the invasion assay, the Bcrp1-positive cells demonstrated a greater invasive capacity through the artificial basement membrane than their Bcrp1-negative counterparts. Following transplantation of 104 cells, only the Bcrp1-positive cells formed tumors in NOD/SCID mice. When 105 or 106 cells were transplanted, the tumor incidence and the tumor mass were greater in the Bcrp1-positive groups than those in the Bcrp1-negative groups (P < 0.05). The Bcrp1-positive subpopulation cervical cancer stem cells.  相似文献   
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